Saturday, January 21, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bright Moon

The moon is so full
It almost makes me cry.
Like I used to do
When I looked up at its beauty
And surprised.
Always wondering what life could hold
If only every day could be so bright
But part of why the moon shines bright
Is that it is surrounded by the darkness of the night.

The bright sunny days of the bay
Away from me now—yet close in my mind
Make me remember sunshine
But it has always been the Moon
that catches my attention.

No matter where I am in the world
When the moon is full and bright
All I have to do is look up.
I feel like I can do anything
Be anything.
But above all, be bright,
Full of energy,
Shining on to others,
Brightening up the darkest moments
Of our lives
The way the Moon does for the dark, dark nights.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rant on the contradictions of modern my opinion.

This culture we live in can make me feel scared, weird, bothered, non-existent, pissed off, lifeless, and bitchy all at the exact same time.
We are ALL so self-obsessed. Obsessed with image, obsessed with clothing, obsessed with materials, obsessed with youth, obsessed with coolness…yet at the very same time almost as obsessed with self-presentation.
Despite all of those obsessions we also want to be known for how “real” we are, how down to earth, how hipster, how non-hipster, how nice, how artistic, how fabulous, how Zen, how self-actualized, how intelligent.
This bothers the living (cuss) out of me…at least a few times a year. I guess I find it bothersome mainly because these two different sides of who we are trying to portray contradict each other utterly and constantly.
In fact, no one is authentic anymore it seems. Including me. Our culture is so hyperly sensitive and in your face and constant and technical and fast and intrusive…. that how could we be???????????????????? Facebook that:)